Chapter 6.0

Welcome back to Random Branches! In the last chapter, Terena and James died of old age, John was declared heir, and several Sims aged up to the next stage.

We start this chapter off with John’s graduation ceremony that I remembered to do in a timely fashion as one of my NRaas mods lets me push it out if I want and I have to actually tell them to go to graduation.

Adama and Dylan are still very much in love and share a kiss after returning home from the graduation ceremony.

Jolinar however makes use of the trampoline before she comes inside.

Aria has found the VR goggles.

Soon it was time for Lyse to age to teenager.

She’s a gorgeous teenager. Her teenage trait is Charismatic.

John and Lyse enjoying the fooseball table.

Dylan has found the hot tub.

Someone broke the television and since Jolinar can just recombobulate it, I have her do so instead of trying to figure out who has the highest handiness or calling in a repair Sim.

John needs logic for his career. Not having him going to University as I’m still tired of Sims 3 University thanks to Adama’s LTW.

Again, still madly in love.

John reading his research magazines while George works on one of his last homework assignments ever.

As John has aged to YA. John’s YA trait is Handy and his LTW is to be a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder.

And with George and Jolinar being practically twins, George aging up means Jolinar is not far behind and she has also aged to YA. Her YA trait is Athletic and her LTW is Perfect Mind, Perfect Body.

We do however end with another birthday, however this time for Adama as he is now an elder.

Progress towards LTW’s:

  • Adama – Master Major – Earn 3 degrees – Completed Chapter 5.3
  • Dylan – Celebrity Chef – Level 10 – Completed Chapter 5.8
  • John – World Renowned Surgeon – Level 7

And now that we are at the start of John’s generation, time for John’s goals! He is going to do Explorer and Doctor.

Explorer goals:

  • Travel to Al Simhara, Champs Les Sims, and Shang Simla
  • Gain all vista levels
  • Unlock all tombs
  • Marry local of travel location Not doing this as they are all generic looking – aka “pudding”
  • Have child(ren)
  • Gain a skill (or more) in Photography
  • Gain a skill (or more) in Nectar Making

Doctor goals:

  • Join Medical Career
  • Reach level 10 of Medical Career
  • Befriend siblings and parents
  • Master Logic skill
  • Give sim medical advice
  • Decide baby gender for Sim
  • Befriend all co-workers
  • Befriend boss
  • Have baby
  • Vaccinate 10 Sims Not doing as these things don’t tend to work properly in my game.

No current progress in the Explorer goals as John has not traveled. No significant progress towards any of the Doctor goals except the one to join the Medical Career and to progress to level 10 of the career as he’s currently level 7 of the Medical Career.

Chapter 5.8

Welcome back to Random Branches! In the last chapter we had some growing up and Aria and Lyse were born. And now on with the story.

George and Jolinar have aged to child.

George’s child trait is Green Thumb.

Jolinar’s child trait is Brave.

John being a wonderful older brother to his sister Lyse.

And as you can see both have had a birthday.

John’s teenage trait is Bookworm.

Terena has died of old age.

John attempted to comfort his grandfather.

James distracted himself with teaching Lyse to talk.

John got a part time job at the hospital.

Obi Wan is out haunting and is playing video games.

Aria is a child now and went immediately for painting.

Why Adama is cooking when there are probably left overs in the fridge is beyond me.

Aria’s child trait is Artistic.

Dylan teaching Lyse to walk.

John watching tv to destress from work and Aria playing chess.

Max is out and is meditating by his grave, I believe

John and Adama playing chess in their pajamas.

James died of old age.

I believe James is asking for more time in order to make it to Jolinar’s YA birthday.

Random child that Aria brought home talked to Grim before he left.

Adama attempting to comfort Jolinar over the passing of their father.

And as you can see, she’s a teenager. She had been for some time. James had even begun the teach to drive interactions, though had not finished.

Jolinar’s teen trait is Perceptive.

And as George is close in age, he’s also aged to teen years, though he’s not been caught in a picture yet. His teen trait is Brave.

Aria is the second kid to find the trampoline.

The ghosts find it more often.

Atton found the dart board.

Galadriel aged to YA.

In the mass chaos of the house and the fact that Galadriel’s age up kept glitching out by dropping from the queue, I forgot to get a picture of her as a YA before I moved her out.

Her YA trait is Family-Oriented and I gave her Surrounded by Family as her LTW. Story Progression put her in the Culinary career like her mother, though she does not work at the same place, I don’t think. Adama isn’t showing as her boss and Dylan isn’t showing her as a coworker.

Adama does show up as Dylan’s boss in game as he took over the ownership of the restaurant when James died. James had been Dylan’s boss prior to that.

It was a double birthday, though, Lyse’s birthday behaved and didn’t glitch out.

Lyse’s child trait is Ambitious.

And like Aria, wanted to earn some painting skill right after aging to child.

Adama and Jolinar watching television.

I love how it’s of Sims 2 Sims.

Jolinar and Aria playing ping pong autonomously.

And we end this chapter and this generation with the aging up of John to Young Adult. I have decided that he is heir of the generation. This marks the last chapter that focuses on Adama and Dylan. Next set of chapters will focus on John and his life.

John’s YA trait is Genius and his LTW is to be a World Renowned Surgeon.

College Major goals- COMPLETED AS OF CHAPTER 5.3

Game Developer goals- COMPLETED AS OF CHAPTER 5.8

  • Max Nerd Influence (needed) – Completed Chapter 5.3
  • Become a Game Developer – Level 10 – Completed Chapter 5.8
  • Get married after you max nerd skill – Completed Chapter 5.4
  • Play video games in spare time – Completed Chapter 5.8

Progress towards LTW’s

  • James – Become Astronaut – Level 10 – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Terena – Become Chief of Staff – Level 10 – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Adama – Major Master – Earn Three Degrees – Completed Chapter 5.3
  • Dylan – Celebrity Chef – Level 10 – Completed Chapter 5.8

Chapter 5.7

Welcome back to another chapter of Random Branches! In the last chapter, kids grew up some and George was born. And now on with the story.

I had neglected to take good pictures of the Zenteris so I rectified that.

This is Jolinar.

This is George.

And this is John, who became a child off screen. His child trait is Charismatic.

And this teenager is Galadriel, who became a teenager off screen. Her teen trait is Gatherer.

And this toddler, is the result of Dylan and Adama trying for another child in the last chapter.

Her name is Aria*. Her traits are Over-Emotional and Savvy Sculptor.

Dylan working with Aria on potty training.

Adama and Dylan wanted yet another child.

I have decided that this is the final child that they are getting unless they autonomously try for baby on their own.

These toddlers are absolutely adorable!

Max is out again and he’s playing video games.

Seems a very Max thing to do.

Adama teaching Aria to talk.

Galadriel and John working on homework.

Dylan is pregnant again! The trying was successful.

And a day or so later and the final baby of the generation was born.

Her name is Lyse*. While for some reason her wings didn’t render, she is a fairy.

One of the ghosts started a fire in the fryer.

None of the teens or adults were downstairs or awake at the time. Which is why the fire spread so much.

And not even long enough for James to fully finish cleaning from the incident, Mira uses the fryer again.

I later deleted it when another ghost started yet another fire with it.

George found the trampoline!

Adama filling his duty to play games in his downtime and keeping his Nerd influence up and his Gaming done meter up in the high green for work.

Dylan dancing and Jolinar getting a hug from her dad.

Adama is such a good father!

I also just love the toddler interactions as well.

And we end this update with me actually having a teen learn to drive.

Progress towards Adama’s goals:

College Major goals- COMPLETED AS OF CHAPTER 5.3

Game Developer goals-

  • Max Nerd Influence (needed) – Completed Chapter 5.3
  • Become a Game Developer – Level 9
  • Get married after you max nerd skill – Completed Chapter 5.4
  • Play video games in spare time – So far so good

Progress towards LTW’s

  • James – Become Astronaut – Level 10 – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Terena – Become Chief of Staff – Level 10 – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Adama – Major Master – Earn Three Degrees – Completed Chapter 5.3
  • Dylan – Celebrity Chef – Level 8


Author’s Note:

Aria is named after Aria T’Loak from the Mass Effect series. Aria is the de facto leader of Omega and does everything she can to protect it. So like Adama, she’s the leader of her people.

Lyse is named after Lyse Hext from the game Final Fantasy XIV. She’s a commander of the Ala Mhigan Resistence and one of the leaders of her people. This is her tie in with Adama. She’s a leader, like Adama.

Chapter 5.6

Welcome back to another chapter of Random Branches! In the last chapter, Dylan gave birth to Galadriel, got married to Adama, and then had John. James also got abducted and had Jolinar. And now on with the story.

Typical day at the Zenteri house. Someone training John in his skills and someone taking care of the latest edition to the family, a baby boy named George. George is a fairy and his traits are Eco-Friendly and Angler.

Adama being a good older half-brother to Jolinar.

Why yes, that is birthday cake in Adama’s hands as he gets abducted again.

Doesn’t become pregnant.

Birthday cake was because Galadriel here has become a child toward the end of the last update and cake lasts for awhile.

James spends as much time with Jolinar as I can fit in.

I don’t know if he’ll make it to her becoming a YA. I’m hoping he does, though.

I love the put to bed interaction with toddlers.

I can only imagine these two talking about alien babies and pregnancy. Trading information on what it was like and all that.

Birthday time for the “twins”. George went first.

Followed by Jolinar.

And what followed was the start of their learning to walk, talk, and use the potty.

Adama and Dylan want more kids.

I didn’t know that the ghosts could read the kids to sleep.

But this is totally something ghost Atton would do.

These two are still adorable, even in their elder years.

I don’t get how a ghost can float through walls and displace snow for a snow angel.

Gotta love Sim logic!

A pregnant Dylan snuggling George.

James and Galadriel outside in the snow playing catch.

Aliens are loving the family right now. Adama gets abducted again and again, no alien baby for Adama.

And here we end with ghost Leia holding Jolinar. Also didn’t know ghosts could do this.

Progress towards Adama’s goals:

College Major goals- COMPLETED AS OF CHAPTER 5.3

Game Developer goals-

  • Max Nerd Influence (needed) – Completed Chapter 5.3
  • Become a Game Developer – Level 7
  • Get married after you max nerd skill – Completed Chapter 5.4
  • Play video games in spare time – So far so good

Progress towards LTW’s

  • James – Become Astronaut – Level 10 – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Terena – Become Chief of Staff – Level 10 – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Adama – Major Master – Earn Three Degrees – Completed Chapter 5.3
  • Dylan – Celebrity Chef – Level 6


Author’s Note:

George is named after Major General George Hammond from the Stargate SG-1 series. George Hammond was the commander of Stargate Command. Like Adama he was the highest in command of their respective groups.

Chapter 5.5

Welcome back to another chapter of Random Branches! In the last chapter, Dylan gave birth to Galadriel, Adama & Dylan got married, Adama & Dylan also had their first child together, John. And now on with the story.

Galadriel continuing to be taught to talk by Dylan.

Two reasons for this picture.

First is to show off John and his lack of wings. He is not a fairy.

Second is that Lily is now a YA. We’re waiting for her graduation to come up before moving her out. Her YA trait is Artistic and her LTW is to be a Dynamic DNA Profiler.

Dishwasher broke so I had Adama work on fixing it. I can’t remember why I didn’t have James fix it since he’s the handy one and handy Sims can’t fail at repairs and the items they fix are less likely to break again.

Not to mention, I’m not done having Adama and Dylan have kids. I like to see how genetics play out. One kid is not enough for that.

Speaking of making more kids, Adama and Dylan are trying for their next kid.

Terena enjoying the hot tub outside.

Graduation has still not happened. So she’s skilling up for her job in the meantime. She’s actively in the career as well.

I do soon remember that when Master Controller pops up about the Graduation Ceremony that it includes Lily in the postponement and I stop hitting postpone on the graduation ceremony.

James getting abducted.

If you couldn’t tell due to the darkness of the shot, James is also an elder.

Which means, so is Terena, but that doesn’t stop her from helping a newly turned toddler John how to walk.

James is a wonderful grandfather to Galadriel, even if he isn’t one by blood.

Dylan is pregnant!

And so is James.

Apparently being an elder does not prevent aliens from making Sims pregnant.

And why does my game get the wrong generation pregnant every time? Last time it was Sinbad. Now it is James.

James is still in the military career as I have not had him retire.

James and Terena are still cute together, even in their old age.

John being an adorable toddler while playing with blocks.

At graduation. Why they didn’t hire a nanny for the toddlers, I do not know.

And Lily had fallen in love at prom with Bronson Littler. Who also happened to be aging up that same day. So we quickly had Lily snag him after graduation. They went from lovers, to having their first kisses together, to engaged, to married in a span of a few hours. I had Lily join Bronson’s house at the time of marriage, so Lily has now moved out.

If James had a beard, he could play Santa Clause right now.

Galadriel aged to child, though it appears I did not get a picture of her as a child.

Her child trait is Computer Whiz.

James then later gave birth to a baby girl named Jolinar*. I decided to keep the alien baby.

Jolinar’s green skin is darker than Sion’s so I’m glad that there is some genetic variety with the alien parents used for the genetics. Jolinar’s traits are Adventurous and Genius.

And we end off with a suddenly not so heavy looking James teaching John to talk.

Progress towards Adama’s goals:

College Major goals- COMPLETED AS OF CHAPTER 5.3

Game Developer goals-

  • Max Nerd Influence (needed) – Completed Chapter 5.3
  • Become a Game Developer – Level 5
  • Get married after you max nerd skill – Completed Chapter 5.4
  • Play video games in spare time – So far so good

Progress towards LTW’s

  • James – Become Astronaut – Level 10 – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Terena – Become Chief of Staff – Level 10 – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Adama – Major Master – Earn Three Degrees – Completed Chapter 5.3
  • Dylan – Celebrity Chef – Level 4


Author’s Note:

Jolinar is named after the Tok’ra Jolinar of Malkshur from the Stargate SG-1 series. The Tok’ra are an alien species that require a host to survive. The Tok’ra do not force others to become hosts. Jolinar was one of the more well known Tok’ra to their enemies, the Goa’uld, and like James Potter did, died for her cause while attempting to hide. And that is their connection.

Chapter 5.4

Welcome back to another chapter of Random Branches! This is the first non-plot chapter of the story. In the last chapter, I sent Adama and co through University enough times for Adama to get 3 degrees.

Never again.

But with no plot, means you get to see all the ghosts I drag with the family every time I move.

They did have a burglar one night, which former Master Thief Sinbad panics over.

Adama gets abducted by aliens.

He sadly does not come back pregnant.

Part of my plot was that Dylan would not be back in this story until she ended things with Oliver Fae, but that would happen after she got pregnant with his kid. I used Master Controller to get her pregnant with Oliver’s child.

She’s currently pregnant with that child.

She soon goes into labor, because nothing much of interest was happening in the house beyond the ghostly activity I posted above.

We interrupt the birth of the first child of the next generation for a picture of Terena and James being adorable.

Dylan gave birth to a baby girl named Galadriel* Fae. Her traits are Perfectionist and Eccentric. If she wasn’t a spare, I would be looking at the Ambitions generation focusing on inventions.

Adama being a wonderful step-father to Galadriel.

Sinbad taking a turn in watching Galadriel.

Or just a case of the rocking chair being very popular, even for the ghosts.

Adama and Dylan are so cute together.

So cute together that I have them get engaged and married right after each other.

Yes, I know I said they got engaged story wise while in University, but for some reason EA has made it so that Sims can’t actually get engaged while they are in University. So I had decided to wait on that.

Adama and Dylan wasted no time in trying for a kid of their own together.

Not that in story Adama had any issues with being Galadriel’s dad. He wants kids of his own and more kids either way.

The deep fryer is very popular.

Even with the ghosts.

Galadriel soon ages up to toddler age and she’s adorable. Fairies are so cute as toddlers.

But they still have to be taught the toddler skills.

Terena helping out by starting the walking process.

A slightly showing Dylan starts the talking process.

James and Terena playing ping pong in the game room.

Adama giving Dylan a massage. Hoping to be able to choose traits so that I can avoid the traits I hate.

Dylan teaching Galadriel to use the potty.

Yes, Dylan is not pregnant in this picture. It appears I forgot to get a picture of the labor. Dylan gave birth to a baby boy named John*. His traits are Adventurous and Over-Emotional.

And that’s it for this chapter!

Progress towards Adama’s goals:

College Major goals- COMPLETED AS OF CHAPTER 5.3

Game Developer goals-

  • Max Nerd Influence (needed) – Completed Chapter 5.3
  • Become a Game Developer – Level 3
  • Get married after you max nerd skill – Completed Chapter 5.4
  • Play video games in spare time – So far so good

Progress towards LTW’s

  • James – Become Astronaut – Level 10 – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Terena – Become Chief of Staff – Level 10 – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Adama – Major Master – Earn Three Degrees – Completed Chapter 5.3
  • Dylan – Celebrity Chef – Level 2


Author’s Note:

Galadriel is named after Galadriel from the Lord of the Rings. As Galadriel is a spare, I did not worry about her name fitting my name theme perfectly.

John is named after two people. John Sheppard from Stargate: Atlantis. John Sheppard is a leader of his team much like Adama is a leader to his ship. John is also the default name for Commander Shepard from the Mass Effect series and Commander Shepard is a leader of his ship just like Adama is. Given that Mass Effect came out after Stargate: Atlantis, the slight spelling differences in the last names, and the fact that Commander Shepard is named after a real life astronaut, it’s likely the similarity in the names is coincidental.

Switching from Plot to Commentary

I’m switching this story from a plot based one to commentary based.

I’ve been struggling getting into a more consistent upload schedule with all of my stories. And I realized the main hiccup was this story and Random Paths. These two suffer the most from extended breaks due to various things, usually writer’s block and then the staging shots.

I contemplated shifting the story to a more tell a story based on what actually happens in game, but I know me. That would just lead me to maybe half a generation with loose plot but then I’d get into the same problem I’m in now.

So going to just commentary.

I hope you guys can understand where I’m coming from, but it was either do this or switch to completely undocumented.

Skip to the next post or stop reading if you do not want the future commentary posts to be spoiled as I had played and plotted a decent bit out for this story.

I do realize that I left this story in the middle of the plot and I do apologize for that. I had some posts written out.

Plot wise Oliver Fae was going to “cheat” on Dylan with another fairy due to an outdated, on the way out, custom that gives Dylan the ammo she needs to divorce Oliver without issue. He says she will pay. Dylan is by this point pregnant with her and Oliver’s kid. She eventually finds herself at the Zenteri residence and the family is kind enough to let her stay there while pregnant and until she gets on her feet.

Dylan gives birth and has trouble getting into the restaurant business and due to James owning a restaurant, Dylan is able to get a job at a restaurant that typically requires experience to get a job at. Though she starts very much at the bottom of the totem pole.

Dylan and Adama do rekindle their romance and marry and have kids. Towards the end, the Faes learn of Dylan being in the restaurant business and do what they can to shut them down, but the Zenteris have their own connections and are able to ward off the Faes.

Chapter 5.3

Welcome back to another chapter of Random Branches! In the last chapter, Adama and Dylan learned the ins and out of fairy arranged marriages and how to get out of them. Unfortunately for the pair, they were unsuccessful and had to call off their own engagement. And now on with the story.

It was rocky at first and poor Jacob was caught in the middle, but Adama and Dylan were able to remain friends despite the romantic pull the two had towards each other.

Adama even managed to keep his grades up, though he attributed that to using studying as a way to keep his mind off of his heartbreak.

It was a very teary goodbye at graduation between the three of them as Oliver Fae was not wanting to waste anymore time in waiting to get married and had only allowed Dylan to finish her degree as Dylan had already paid for it in full.

As luck would have it, James had gotten transferred to Bridgeport and Adama had gotten into a small start up gaming company in Bridgeport. James, Terena, and Adama talked it over and decided that it was fine for Adama to still live with them for as long as he wanted. Even after he got married and started having kids of his own.

So they chose a house that would suit all of their potential needs in the future, but wasn’t in the heart of the city. They all agreed that that would be too noisy for them.

And Jacob Lane had even managed to get a job in Bridgeport as well.

The house they found was amazing and would work for them for years to come.

James and Terena just hoped that it would be filled sooner rather than later as it was a bit big for three people.

Adama tried to get back into the dating scene but he didn’t hit it off with any of them. And it wasn’t for a lack of trying. Adama knew that it would take a miracle for Dylan to be able to marry him now.

And when he wasn’t trying to find someone special, he was hanging out with Jacob. Playing games and commiserating on his rotten luck.

James and Terena were looking for something to invest their money into and had reached out to a local restaurant to see if they could invest some money into it. They were told that the owner had died and the family was looking to sell off the business. James and Terena talked it over and decided to go for it. James had a lot more down time now that his days of being deployed overseas were over and he wasn’t doing field duty anymore. Terena had scaled her hours at work doing surgeries.

And that’s it for this chapter! Will Adama find that special someone? Will James and Terena be successful in running a restaurant with no previous experience in the industry? Find out in chapters to come!

Progress towards James’ goals: COMPLETED AS OF CHAPTER 5.3

  • Join Military Career – Completed Chapter 4.0
  • Level Ten Military Career – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Max Athletic skill – He’s at level 10, maxed behind the scenes Chapter 4.5
  • Max Hardiness skill – He’s at level 10 – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Buy out a business – Completed Chapter 5.3
  • Adopt – Achieved Chapter 4.4 when James and Terena adopted Kyle Williams.

Progress towards Adama’s goals:

College Major goals- COMPLETED AS OF CHAPTER 5.3

  • Go to University – Achieved Chapter 5.0
  • Fill out scholarship form – Achieved behind the scenes Chapter 5.0
  • Get a degree – Completed Chapter 5.3
  • Spend at least one term in dorm setting, another term in your own rented place – Not doing this one as it doesn’t fit the story – Actually ended up completing this as I forgot to remove the beds from the dorm one semester. Completed behind the scenes Chapter 5.3
  • Go to all classes and lectures – Completed Chapter 5.3
  • Spend free time studying (at least 2 times a week) – Completed Chapter 5.3
  • Go out but only to movies, comic book store, bowling alley, and school
  • (optional) Get a boy/girlfriend while in college – Completed Chapter 5.0
  • Get all A’s – Completed Chapter 5.3
  • Try and get Uni all paid for by scholarships – Failed, he had to pay for the first 2 terms.
  • (optional) Go through college again for more than one degree – Completed Chapter 5.3

Game Developer goals-

  • Max Nerd Influence (needed) – Completed Chapter 5.3
  • Become a Game Developer – Level 1
  • Get married after you max nerd skill – So far so good as he maxed Nerd in college, he just needs to get married
  • Play video games in spare time – So far so good

Progress towards LTW’s

  • James – Become Astronaut – Level 10 – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Terena – Become Chief of Staff – Level 10 – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Adama – Major Master – Earn Three Degrees – Completed Chapter 5.3


SimNaNo Progress:

Words in this update: 791
Pictures in this update: 9

Total Words: 3805
Total Pictures: 32

Chapter 5.2

Welcome back to another chapter of Random Branches. In the last chapter Adama and Dylan grew closer and Adama proposed to Dylan and she accepted. However, when they got back to their residence, they found Dylan’s grandmother was there telling her that she had been set up for an arranged marriage. And now on with the story.

“I brought some help as I’m rusty with traditional fae culture. There haven’t been many fairies who have wanted to make the transition between living in the fae world and the normal world,” Iris said, “This is Tristan Fae, more commonly referred to now as Father Fae.”

“Why didn’t you tell me he was coming with you, there are all…” Dylan started

“I know of the traditions,” Tristan interrupted, “I know my arrival was unexpected. I don’t mind if the customs aren’t adhered to for this as I’m not here as Father Fae. I’m here as Tristan Fae as a favor to Iris.”

“So you’re currently engaged to two people and you want to know what recourse you have to marry the one you want to and you need some help explaining the intricacies of fae culture to Adama?” Tristan asked.

“Yes, no offense to your distant relative, but I don’t want to marry Oliver. I want to marry Adama,” Dylan stated.

“None taken, there’s a reason most fairies have moved away from arranged marriages. Especially the ones who live in the normal world”

“In fae culture, it’s considered very rude to disobey your elders. Even if the elders request or set up something that you do not like at all,” Tristan started, “Arranged marriages used to be the status quo for fairies before we started living in the normal world as well. As time progressed the arranged marriages have become less common, but are still done by the oldest and most prestigious families. The Greenes, the Faes, and the Lafaes being the most common families to do arranged marriages.”

“With only so few families really participating, doesn’t that cause a lot of people who are related to be having children together?” Adama asked.

“The families are large enough that it’s not yet a problem. But each generation it gets harder as more branches of those families stop with the arranged marriages,” Tristan answered.

“So what can be done if someone doesn’t like who they get arranged to marry?” Dylan asked.

“It’s tricky to do it and not be seen as someone trying to go against their elders. You two having got engaged prior to you learning of the arranged marriage does work in your favor, but with Adama not being a fairy, that’s cancelled out.”

“Who do we have to convince?” Adama asked.

“The fairies who signed the contract. They both have to agree in order for it to be overturned,” Tristan stated, “And I think that’s all that we can really help with. Just contact your father if you decide to try to overturn the arranged marriage, he’ll know what to do.”

“I got the feeling from Tristan that it will be a long shot to get the arranged marriage dissolved,” Adama stated, “Do you want to go through that even though it will likely not come out in our favor?”

“Do you not want to marry me?” Dylan asked back.

“I do want to marry you, I wouldn’t have proposed if I didn’t,” Adama carefully started, “But I’m trying to be realistic here. I don’t want to get our hopes up that your father and Oliver’s father will both agree to dissolve the arranged marriage. Especially not after what Tristan said.”

“I want to try. We lose nothing if I try and fail. Unfortunately, due to rules, you can’t be there as those meetings are held in an area that only fairies can enter.

And a few weeks later, Dylan was off in the fae world arguing their case. Adama was left in the normal world to anxiously wait the decision.

“Have you two decided what you’re going to do if they don’t dissolve the arranged marriage?” Jacob asked.

“That’s totally not helping, Jacob,” Adama stated, “We haven’t talked about it, but I know that if she decides to not marry Oliver that she would be forever banned from the fae world and that she doesn’t want that. So we’ll probably end up calling our engagement off. It’s why we haven’t told anyone. My parents suspect something, though.”

“Of course they would having been in the unit they were in in the War Against the SUA. Plus parents have that intuition.”

It was a few days before Dylan returned. Adama spent most of that time buried in his books studying as a means of distraction. Jacob did manage to get him to do more than just study over the course of the days that Dylan was in the fae world.

But it was clear by Dylan’s face that things did not go their way when she finally came back.

“So have you decided who you’re going to marry?” Jacob asked the unspoken question.

“You won’t hurt my feelings if you choose Oliver,” Adama said, “I asked Iris while you were gone what would happen if you chose me if they didn’t dissolve the arranged marriage. I know you and your descendants would be forever banned from the fae world for that level of disrespect and with your parents and grandparents currently living there, I fully understand not wanting to get banned from there.”

“I am sorry, Adama,” Dylan said, in tears, “I just can’t get myself banned from the fae world.

And that’s it for this chapter! Will Adama and Dylan be able to remain friends or will they have to drift apart for their own sanity? What will this do to Adama’s ability to focus on his school work? Will he actually tell his parents what happened? Find out in chapters to come.

Progress towards James’ goals:

  • Join Military Career – Completed Chapter 4.0
  • Level Ten Military Career – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Max Athletic skill – He’s at level 10, maxed behind the scenes Chapter 4.5
  • Max Hardiness skill – He’s at level 10 – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Buy out a business
  • Adopt – Achieved Chapter 4.4 when James and Terena adopted Kyle Williams.

Progress towards Adama’s goals:

College Major goals-

  • Go to University – Achieved Chapter 5.0
  • Fill out scholarship form – Achieved behind the scenes Chapter 5.0
  • Get a degree – Achieved Chapter 5.1
  • Spend at least one term in dorm setting, another term in your own rented place – Not doing this one as it doesn’t fit the story
  • Go to all classes and lectures – So far so good
  • Spend free time studying (at least 2 times a week) – So far so good even autonomously, I’ve had to cancel it out during the weekend when the studying is pointless
  • Go out but only to movies, comic book store, bowling alley, and school
  • (optional) Get a boy/girlfriend while in college – Achieved Chapter 5.0
  • Get all A’s – So far so good
  • Try and get Uni all paid for by scholarships – Failed, he had to pay for the first 2 terms.
  • (optional) Go through college again for more than one degree – Completed Chapter 5.1

Game Developer goals-

  • Max Nerd Influence (needed) – On level 9
  • Become a Game Developer
  • Get married after you max nerd skill – So far so good as plan is to max nerd skill in college
  • Play video games in spare time – So far so good

Progress toward’s LTW’s

  • James – Become Astronaut – Level 10 – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Terena – Become Chief of Staff – Level 10 – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Adama – Major Master – Earn Three Degrees – Working on degree # 3

SimNaNo Progress:

Words in this update: 1262
Pictures in this udpate: 9

Total Words: 3014
Total Pictures: 23

Chapter 5.1

Welcome back to another chapter of Random Branches! In the last chapter Adama went off to college with his online friend Jacob Lane and a room mate they had initially thought was male but was actually female, Dylan Greene. Adama and Dylan hit it off and were soon headed towards dating. And now on with the story.

Time went on and Adama and Dylan grew closer, though they had their arguments like all couples did. Their arguments mostly centered around Adama studying a lot and Dylan wanting to go out more often.

It was during their junior year when Adama decided to propose to Dylan. Dylan said yes.

When they returned to the house after the engagement, Dylan froze in her tracks and said, “What is my grandmother doing here?”

“Is this like your grandmother to just drop by unannounced?” Adama asked.

“Yes and no. It is her usual go to when she knows the reason why she’s coming over isn’t going to go over well. She knows I’d ask why and she hates lying. Which means I’m not going to like what she’s going to say. She doesn’t want to give me any chance to delay hearing what she’s going to tell me and it’s something she has to do in person. Which is troubling.”

“Grandmother Ilia, what are you doing here?” Dylan asked after inviting her into the house.

“To discuss your wedding,” Ilia said, “But you should introduce me to your roommate here.”

“Wedding?” Dylan repeated, “Did you come for something else and see the ring on my finger?”

“No and stop forgetting the formalities. Who is your roommate?”

“He’s not just my roommate, Grandmother Ilia,” Dylan started, “He’s my fiancee. We just got engaged. His name is Adama Zenteri. Adama, this is my grandmother, Ilia Lafae. She’s my mom’s mother.”

“He can’t be your fiancee. You’re betrothed to Oliver Fae, a distant relative of Father Fae,” Ilia countered.

“And how many times have I told you that I do not want an arranged marriage, Grandmother Ilia?”

“Countless times. Doesn’t change the fact that one has been set up for you and the contract has already been signed by both your father and Oliver’s.”

“What’s going on?” Jacob whispered to Adama after coming in and sensing the tense situation.

“Later, Jacob,” Adama said, having a hard time wrapping his own head over what was happening.

“Pardon my interruption,” Adama said, “But what do you mean that she can’t be engaged to me? She’s already said to yes to marrying me. Oh, and this is Jacob Lane, our other room mate. Jacob this is Ilia Lafae, Dylan’s maternal grandmother.”

“At least this one has manners, Dylan,” Ilia said, frowning, “It means that she will be breaking off the engagement with you and marrying Oliver Fae.”

“Just go, Grandmother Ilia. I’ll explain our culture to him. We’ll be discussing this later when I’ve had a chance to calm down,” Dylan said trying to be diplomatic.

It took some time for Grandmother Ilia to leave as she had wanted to catch up with Dylan as well.

“Ugh. I wish I was better at remembering all the intricacies of fae culture,” Dylan said.

“I may be able to help with that,” Adama said, getting out his phone. He texted his father, “Have a situation where knowing more about fae culture would be helpful. Do you have the fairy member of the Immortal Council’s number or someone who would have that number?”

It was a few days later when Iris Baines showed up at the Zenteri-Lane-Greene residence.

And that’s it for this chapter. What insights will Iris be able to give to the pair? Who will Dylan end up marrying? Will Adama crack under the stress from this and his studies? Find out in chapters to come.

Progress towards James’ goals:

  • Join Military Career – Completed Chapter 4.0
  • Level Ten Military Career – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Max Athletic skill – He’s at level 10, maxed behind the scenes Chapter 4.5
  • Max Hardiness skill – He’s at level 10 – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Buy out a business
  • Adopt – Achieved Chapter 4.4 when James and Terena adopted Kyle Williams.

Progress towards Adama’s goals:

College Major goals-

  • Go to University – Achieved Chapter 5.0
  • Fill out scholarship form – Achieved behind the scenes Chapter 5.0
  • Get a degree – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 5.1
  • Spend at least one term in dorm setting, another term in your own rented place – Not doing this one as it doesn’t fit the story
  • Go to all classes and lectures – So far so good
  • Spend free time studying (at least 2 times a week) – So far so good even autonomously, I’ve had to cancel it out during the weekend when the studying is pointless
  • Go out but only to movies, comic book store, bowling alley, and school
  • (optional) Get a boy/girlfriend while in college – Achieved Chapter 5.0
  • Get all A’s – So far so good
  • Try and get Uni all paid for by scholarships – Failed, he had to pay for the first 2 terms.
  • (optional) Go through college again for more than one degree – Completed Chapter 5.1

Game Developer goals-

  • Max Nerd Influence (needed) – On level 8
  • Become a Game Developer
  • Get married after you max nerd skill – So far so good as plan is to max nerd skill in college
  • Play video games in spare time – So far so good

Progress toward’s LTW’s

  • James – Become Astronaut – Level 10 – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Terena – Become Chief of Staff – Level 10 – Completed behind the scenes Chapter 4.8
  • Adama – Major Master – Earn Three Degrees – Working on degree # 2

SimNaNo Progress:

Words in this update: 916
Pictures in this udpate: 7

Total Words: 1752
Total Pictures: 14