Chapter 2.19

Welcome back to another chapter of Random Branches. In the last chapter Darius Myst and Rosalind Baines were dealt with. Darius was killed and Rosalind was turned human and arrested. The cost however was Kreia’s life and Ian Destansi’s vampire status. And now on with the story.

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Chapter 2.18

Welcome back to another chapter of Random Branches! In the last chapter the Rands grieved for Mira, Obi began dating Mindy Foss, Wolfgang got Obi hired as a contractor to research potential suspects after being a wonderful asset to the fight against Darius, and the family learned of Kreia’s c-section and complications. At the very end of the chapter, Operation Take Down Darius was given a go ahead. And now on with the story.

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Chapter 2.12

Welcome back to another chapter of Random Branches! In the last chapter, several members of the Rand family had a birthday. Bailey learned about Darius and what career Sinbad is in. This shook her trust in Atton hard and the two have been fighting for months over it. This has put a strain on the family as a whole and has pushed both to drinking. Atton being more responsible about his drinking. At the very end, Bailey was getting drunk with her new found friend Hugh and he had just asked her to stay for one more drink. And now on with the story.

Ian Destansi smiled. Luck was on his side tonight. He had located Darius’s spy in Moonlight Falls. He was at the bar talking with an older lady. Not quite elderly, but by the looks of her, she wasn’t too far from being elderly. After noting the conversation wasn’t related to Darius he didn’t focus in on every word said. But he did hear that she had a couple of birthdays to attend and couldn’t stay long.

He heard her phone go off and watched as she talked for maybe thirty seconds, sounding a little drunk but not wasted yet. She bid good evening to the spy but the spy convinced her to stay for one more drink.  Ian sighed. The girl was obviously his next meal target and he was trying to get her too drunk to remember her priorities. But it was the lady’s problem if she got that drunk.

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Chapter 1.7

Welcome back to another chapter of Random Branches. In the last chapter, the Rands got settled into Moonlight Falls quite nicely and Atton became a young adult. However, the Immortal Council decided to use the family as bait in order to deal with Darius and Rosalind once and for all. After some debate, the Rands agreed. And now, onto the story.

Alistair Mathiasen paced the study in his house. There was no way they could risk any of the townsfolk getting word of the plan. Did not need anyone tipping Darius off accidentally when he comes into town. But he couldn’t stop Darius alone. Not if he brought Rosalind with him and he likely would. He thought of who could possibly help when it finally came to him. While still in the criminal gang he had heard word of two vampires who were fairly big in Lucky Palms. The older one more in Darius’s line of work while the younger was more like Sinbad. And they were father and son. Destansi was the last name. He knew the family had lived in Bridgeport at one time, you don’t get high in the criminal field without researching the other families. He just had forgotten most of it in the years since he quit being a criminal.

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